If your heating system is out of warranty and you cannot afford to pay for the repair, you may be eligible for a grant.
What works are eligible?
Repairs to existing heating systems which are out of warranty.
How much can I get?
You can apply for a grant of up to £1000
Who can apply?
- An assured, regulated or controlled private tenant and have occupied the property under the same tenancy agreement for the previous 10 years; and have been in receipt of an approved benefit continuously for the previous 6 months
- a private tenant and has written permission from the landlord to carry out the work, and you have been claiming an approved benefit continuously for the previous 6 months
- a leasehold or freehold owner-occupier who has owned and occupied the property for the previous 10 years; and have been in receipt of an approved benefit continuously for the previous 6 months
- have children aged 18 years or younger in full-time education living with you and have a total household income of less than £30,000
Grant conditions
Before applying for this grant please read the guidance explaining the grant conditions:
- a grant will not be paid where financial assistance is available from another organisation or scheme, or where the works can be funded through a claim on the household insurance policy
- the grant will not cover the cost of any service or maintenance plans
- you cannot apply for this grant if work has already been completed. Grants are not paid retrospectively
How to apply
If you are interested in applying for a grant, please contact us at hrgrant@camden.gov.uk