The local offer
Every local authority has to publish information in one place which shows the support available in the Local Offer. This is for children and young people 0-25 years with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
Visit Camden's Local Offer website.
The Local Offer is more than a directory of services. It also provides support and advice to young people with SEND and their families. The Local Offer should be your first step when looking for information and includes services across the local area.
It includes information about education, health and care services, leisure activities and support groups. It also provides details about access to services, who can access them, how decisions are made and who makes them.
We encourage and welcome feedback about the Local Offer. You can email to let us know what you think about the website and the services that are available.
SENDIASS Camden - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service
This is an impartial service which is free and confidential and works at arms-length from Camden Council.
For more details and to contact the service, visit their website, email or call 020 7974 6264.