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What is Prevent?

The Prevent Duty requires Local Authorities and other named bodies (Education, Health Care, Police, Criminal Justice) to give due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism. All named bodies should focus their activity where there is most need.

Prevent covers all forms of terrorism and seeks to challenge any ideology which legitimises terrorism.

In Camden, Prevent is about early intervention and safeguarding of adults and children.

Camden’s approach recognises that people at risk of being drawn into terrorism may also be at risk of other forms of harm such as criminal exploitation, grooming, sexual exploitation, modern slavery, serious violence and many other forms of abuse.

Work responding to the ideological challenge of terrorism is carried out in partnership with communities and the partners named in the Prevent duty. The aim is to build strong resilient communities. Camden’s safeguarding approach to radicalisation also provides holistic support to those who are most vulnerable. Those working with children and adults are supported to understand the risk of terrorism, identify when an individual is at risk of radicalisation and know what to do and how to get help.

Act Early has been developed to give more information about how Prevent protects and safeguards people.

Camden Safeguarding Children’s Partnership have resources specifically for those working with children and one for parents.  Also available in Camden’s most widely spoken languages: Somali, Arabic and Bengali.

Educate Against Hate gives more support for those working with children and information about how Prevent works to protect children.

Extremism and Radicalisation

What is Extremism?

The Government definition of extremism was updated in March 2024.

Extremism is the promotion or advancement of an ideology based on violence, hatred or intolerance that aims to:

1.    negate or destroy the fundamental rights and freedoms of others; or
2.    undermine, overturn or replace the UK’s system of liberal parliamentary democracy and democratic rights; or
3.    intentionally create a permissive environment for others to achieve the results in (1) or (2).

This updated definition of extremism will be used by government departments and officials alongside a set of engagement principles, to ensure Government is not inadvertently providing a platform, funding or legitimacy to groups or individuals who attempt to advance extremist ideologies. It is important to note that schools and colleges are also required to actively promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs.

The older definition of extremism can still be useful for those outside of government eg in schools.

 “The vocal or active opposition to our fundamental values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and the mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. We also regard calls for the death of members of our armed forces as extremist.”

What is Radicalisation?

​​​​​​The Government's Prevent Duty Guidance defines radicalisation as: : "The process of a person legitimising support for, or use of, terrorist violence.” 

That process is varied, complex and can be unique to the individual. It can take years or happen very quickly. However, it is often enabled by influences/ers and groomers who use the internet, social media, online gaming, and live stream, leafleting or face to face interaction to target and spread their narrative to vulnerable adults and children.

Radicalisers are active recruiters targeting people who have existing vulnerabilities and those who do not. They generate and share a range of harmful narratives, purporting to be from 'experts'. Misinformation can be used to spread belief in the importance of being part of an ‘in-group’ and opposing an ‘out-group’. Radicalisers attempt to share ideas aiming to divide people and claiming to explain the reasons behind significant social and political events or circumstances.

What is the Counter Terrorism Strategy (CONTEST)

CONTEST is the United Kingdom’s Strategy for Countering Terrorism.  It was updated in 2023.The Government’s Counter-Terrorism and Security Act, CONTEST aims to reduce the risk to the UK and its citizens and interests overseas from terrorism, so that people can go about their lives freely and with confidence.
Prevent is one of the "four P's":

•    Prevent: Aims to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism
•    Pursue: Aims to disrupt plots and reduce the risk of terrorist attacks
•    Protect: Aims to strengthen our protection against a terrorist attack
•    Prepare: Aims to mitigate the impact of a terrorist attack

Spotting the signs of radicalisation

The Government’s Prevent Strategy recognises that there is no single profile or pathway leading to terrorism. However, there may be certain risk factors which may along with other factors make a person more vulnerable to being exploited or being drawn into radicalisation.

Risk factors may include:

  • a need for identity, meaning and belonging
  • being influenced or controlled by a group 
  • feelings of injustice or having political grievances
  • crisis/trauma or transitional points in life 
  • having a criminal history
  • a need to dominate and control others
  • having lost interest in friends or activities
  • possessing materials or symbols associated with an extremist cause
  • mental health issues
  • being from a vulnerable age group 

Signs of radicalisation may include:

  • accessing extremist material online
  • expressing extremist views and advocating violence
  • belief that their culture, religion or way of life is under threat and only violence or war can solve issues
  • becoming intolerant of other groups, religions or political views
  • developing ‘us and them’ narrative
  • embracing conspiracy theories related to extremism (taken in context with other signs)
  • changes in their friendship group or associating with people who hold extremist beliefs
  • out of character changes in behaviour or presentation that may indicate sympathy with or membership of an extremist group
  • losing interest in previous activities
  • becoming secretive, resistant to challenge or speaking as if from scripted speech

Individually, the above signs may not show evidence of radicalisation but in combination may mean a person is subject to radicalising or extremist influences and may benefit from safeguarding support.

How can I make a referral?

If you are concerned  that a child, or adult is at risk of radicalisation then you should make a referral or seek advice by contacting children or adult MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub).

MASH provides advice, information, and support for those who may need extra help or who are vulnerable and at risk from all types of harm.

In an emergency (immediate risk of harm to public or the individual) call 999 or 101 for non-emergencies.

You can also use the iREPORTit. Tool to report online or offline hate or suspected terrorist related activity.

What training is available?

The Government updated their training package towards the end of 2022. The process used significant feedback and user testing. The workshops are known as WRAP (Workshop to Raise Awareness of Prevent).

There are 4 online workshops available:

  • Module 1: Awareness – 30 to 40 minutes
  • Module 2: Referrals – 30 to 40 minutes
  • Module 3: Channel – 50 to 60 minutes

There is also a refresher course which is continually updated and recommended for completion every year, by those who work with vulnerable individuals. This will take 20 to 30 minutes. 

Start training

Camden offers Camden specific training to professionals through the Learning Hub and child focused training through Camden Children’s Safeguarding Partnership.

Where there is a specific need it may be possible to arrange bespoke support for your schools, organisations or community groups.  If you would like to discuss your specific needs in fulfilling your Prevent Duty contact

Staying safe online

Online Radicalisation: 5 steps you can take to keep people safe 

The internet has many positive uses, but it has also become an enabler for radicalisation and hate. Increasingly the internet is being used by radicalisers to target and groom supporters. Camden residents may find themselves accessing terrorist material which can automatically download on a phone. This would constitute a terrorist act. It is also illegal to share terrorist material or create it.

When using the internet, apps or devices such as webcams, games consoles and tablets, there are steps you can take to be safer online 

More tips for staying safe online

Privacy and Security

  • when using any device, check security and privacy settings – National Cyber Security Centre
  • adjust privacy and safety settings to increase security and control the personal data you share. Look for the ‘privacy and security’ or ‘settings’ on the app or website
  • review the security settings on your ‘smart’ devices
  • make sure your device has a secure password. Read guidance on choosing a strong password.
  • set up two-factor authentication. This is a free security feature to stop unwanted people getting into your accounts. You’ll receive a text or code when you log in to check you are who you say you are
  • update your devices - using the latest version of software and apps can immediately improve your security

Sharing content

Before you like, comment or share something online use the SHARE checklist to make sure you’re not contributing to the spread of harmful content. SHARE can help you understand and spot disinformation.

Blocking unsuitable content

  • not all information online is reliable
  • it is important to understand the website or app you are using and how they do things - find out in their terms and conditions
  • Set filters on your home broadband and mobile networks to prevent unwanted content from appearing, The UK Safer Internet Centre has advice on how parents can do this

There is more advice for parents on the NSPCC NetAware website. If you see harmful activity, report it to the site.

If you are affected, you can get support:

See accessing local health services for more support.