If you have a serious hazard in your home that will affect your health and safety, or is preventing you from being discharged from hospital, we may be able to offer you grant assistance for essential repair works.
What works are eligible?
- repairing defects which seriously affect your health and safety, for example, a dangerous electrical and gas installation, or dangerous structures like stairs or steps
- repairing or modifying the property, including the common parts, as part of a prevention programme
- repairing, modifying or adapting a property, including the common parts, to assist you coming home from hospital
- repairing faulty equipment installed through a disabled facilities grant for qualifying applicants
- satisfying the reasonable repair criteria or the modern amenities criteria to ensure the property is a Decent Home.
How much can I get?
You can apply for a maximum grant of £20,000 towards elimination of HHSRS category 1 hazards and works to facilitate hospital discharge.
Who can apply?
Health and safety
You are eligible to apply if you are either:
- a private tenant and have occupied the property under the same tenancy agreement for the previous 10 years
- a private tenant and has written permission from the landlord to carry out the work, and you have been claiming an approved benefit continuously for the previous 6 months
- a leasehold or freehold owner-occupier who has owned and occupied the property for the previous 10 years; and have been in receipt of an approved benefit continuously for the previous 6 months
- have children aged 18 years or younger in full-time education living with you and have a total household income of less than £30,000
Hospital discharge
You are eligible to apply if you are either:
- a private tenant and have occupied the property under the same tenancy agreement for the previous 10 years
- a private tenant and has written permission from the landlord to carry out the work, and the works have been recommended by a hospital or adult social care occupational therapy or a Social worker
- a leasehold or freehold owner-occupier who has owned and occupied the property for the previous 10 years; and the works have been recommended by a hospital or adult social care occupational therapy or a social worker
Grant conditions
A grant will not be paid where financial assistance is available from another organisation or scheme, or where the works can be funded through a claim on the household insurance policy.
How do I apply?
If you are interested in applying for this grant, please contact us at hrgrant@camden.gov.uk