Flooding Advice
What can you do?
While the council will do what it can to reduce the risk of flooding for residents, it is important to know how to prepare and respond to flooding. Intense rainfall events are becoming more frequent, and we want to ensure our communities remain safe.
To increase awareness of these important steps, we have produced a simple 4 stage guide - Prepare, Act, Report, Recover.
Prepare, Act, Report, Recover
Prepare – before flooding occurs
- Whilst flash flooding can happen anywhere, some areas may be more at risk. Check your area’s flood risk
- Sign up for weather warnings at the Met Office
- If storms are forecast, prepare a ‘flood kit’ with your essential items
- Talk to your neighbours and wider community about flooding and what to do if flooding occurs
- Support vulnerable neighbours to identify safe exit routes from their property
- The Mayor of London has provided information on being prepared for flash flooding
- As a homeowner, you can:
- get insurance advice from the National Flood Forum or MoneyHelper
- find lower-cost home insurance through FloodRE (if you're in a flood risk area)
- As a renter, you can:
- get contents insurance to protect your personal items (if it is not covered by your landlord's insurance)
- check if you are eligible for contents insurance through FloodRE
- You can Call FloodRE on 0330 024 3131 or email them at support@floodre.co.uk
Act – during a flood event
- If you are in immediate danger, call 999
- If you have a safe and dry exit route, leave the property, or move to higher ground
- Turn off electricity, gas, and water if safe to do so
- Avoid flood water if possible
- Never drive through flood water
Report – if it is safe to do so, report flooding as it occurs or following the event
- If flooding is from outside your property (from the road or pavement), report to Camden Council on 020 7974 4444.
- If your toilet, sink or bath is flooding, call Thames Water on 0800 316 9800.
- For blocked gullies or drains, which are not on private property, report online or call Camden Council 020 7974 4444.
If you live in a council property report to your housing officer. Or if the flood is caused by damage such as a burst pipe, report to housing repairs.
If your home has been effected by a public sewer and water mains contact Thames Water on 0800 316 9800.
Recover – after a flood event
- If you’ve had to leave your home, check with the emergency services that it’s safe before you return
- Get help - The Environment Agency has specially trained Flood Support Officers across the country who provide information and advice during and after floods. Call Floodline (24-hour service) on 0345 988 1188
- If you have been flooded internally, please email greencamden@camden.gov.uk and we will get in contact with you. This should not be used in an emergency to request Council assistance.
- More information on flood recovery is provided by the Environment Agency
See our list of key contacts in the event of flooding.
Related Links
The Environment Agency has published detailed advice on what to do before, during and after a flood.