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Flooding Advice

If you are in immediate danger from flooding call 999. If flooding is occurring outside your property contact us on 020 7974 4444.

What can you do? 

While the council will do what it can to reduce the risk of flooding for residents, it is important to know how to prepare and respond to flooding. Intense rainfall events are becoming more frequent, and we want to ensure our communities remain safe. 

To increase awareness of these important steps, we have produced a simple 4 stage guide - Prepare, Act, Report, Recover

Prepare, Act, Report, Recover 

Prepare – before flooding occurs

  • Whilst flash flooding can happen anywhere, some areas may be more at risk. Check your area’s flood risk 
  • Sign up for weather warnings at the Met Office
  • If storms are forecast, prepare a ‘flood kit’ with your essential items 
  • Talk to your neighbours and wider community about flooding and what to do if flooding occurs
  • Support vulnerable neighbours to identify safe exit routes from their property
  • The Mayor of London has provided information on being prepared for flash flooding
  • As a homeowner, you can:
  • As a renter, you can:
    • get contents insurance to protect your personal items (if it is not covered by your landlord's insurance)
    • check if you are eligible for contents insurance through FloodRE
  • You can Call FloodRE on 0330 024 3131 or email them at

Act – during a flood event

  • If you are in immediate danger, call 999
  • If you have a safe and dry exit route, leave the property, or move to higher ground
  • Turn off electricity, gas, and water if safe to do so
  • Avoid flood water if possible
  • Never drive through flood water

Report – if it is safe to do so, report flooding as it occurs or following the event

  • If flooding is from outside your property (from the road or pavement), report to Camden Council on 020 7974 4444.
  • If your toilet, sink or bath is flooding, call Thames Water on 0800 316 9800.
  • For blocked gullies or drains, which are not on private property, report online or call Camden Council 020 7974 4444.
  • If you live in a council property report to your housing officer. Or if the flood is caused by damage such as a burst pipe, report to housing repairs. 

  • If your home has been effected by a public sewer and water mains contact Thames Water on 0800 316 9800.

Recover – after a flood event 

  • If you’ve had to leave your home, check with the emergency services that it’s safe before you return
  • Get help - The Environment Agency has specially trained Flood Support Officers across the country who provide information and advice during and after floods. Call Floodline (24-hour service) on 0345 988 1188
  • If you have been flooded internally, please email and we will get in contact with you. This should not be used in an emergency to request Council assistance.
  • More information on flood recovery is provided by the Environment Agency 

See our list of key contacts in the event of flooding.

Related Links

The Environment Agency has published detailed advice on what to do before, during and after a flood.

What to do before, during and after a flood (PDF)

Flooding and health: advice for the public

Key Contacts

Who to contact in the event of a flood

A number of different agencies have responsibility for responding to flooding depending on the location.

Key emergency contact

During a flooding event, if you are vulnerable or feel that lives are at risk, contact the emergency services on 999 for immediate assistance and rescue.

If the issue is urgent but not life threatening, please contact us by phone on:

Camden Council Switchboard

020 7974 4444 (24hrs)

Environment Agency Hotline

0800 80 70 60

Call your water company (Thames Water)

0800 316 9800

Council homes

For flooding in and around Council homes:

report to your housing office

Or if the flood is caused by a repair such as a burst pipe:

report to housing repairs

Gullies and drains

For blocked gullies or drains, which are not the main sewer and are not on private property: report the problem online

Public sewers and burst water mains

Public sewers in Camden are maintained by Thames Water.

If you suspect a blockage, of if your property has been flooded by the public sewer, contact Thames Water 

Thames Water 0800 316 9800

Private sewers

Sewers on private property are the responsibility of the property owner if they serve only that property. Beyond the property boundary, the pipes are the responsibility of Thames Water following the 2011 private sewer transfer.

If the pipes are shared with another property or were installed before 1937 visit the Thames Water website.

Water service pipe or internal pipe work

The property owner is responsible for all water pipe work and should keep it maintained using a suitably qualified plumber.

If you see a leak that isn't on your property, you can report the leak online.

River flooding

There are no major rivers in Camden but if you see river flooding elsewhere please call the Environment Agency incident hotline 0800 80 70 60 (24hrs).

Groundwater flooding

If you have been flooded internally please email and we will get in contact with you.

Reservoirs and ponds

The Hampstead Ponds are managed by the Corporation of London. The 24hr contact number for emergencies at the ponds is 020 7332 3478. If it is not an emergency, contact:


If there is too much water in a canal contact the Canal and River Trust

24hr emergency number 0800 47 999 47.

After a flood

If you have been flooded internally please email  and we will get in contact with you. This should not be used in an emergency to request Council assistance. 

The London Borough of Camden as a Lead Local Flood Authority is required to undertake investigations on significant flood events under the Flood and Water Management Act and the Flood Risk Regulations. The criteria triggering a Flood Investigation is set out in the Council’s Flood Risk Management Strategy. 

By reporting flooding to the Council after the event, it will help us collate a full picture on what and where issues happened. The focus and the priority for the Council will be on significant reports of flooding that have resulted in internal flooding of properties or commercial premises, though all reports are useful. 

All the information supplied will form part of a historic database of flooding for the London Borough of Camden. The Council will retain this information and may wish to use this and photos provided within the Flood Investigation. Your personal details will not be published though this data will be retained in perpetuity for this purpose. 

The Council will need to share this information with other bodies who have a statutory duty in the management of flood risk such as the Environment Agency and Thames Water. This helps us all gain a clear picture of those affected and can work better together to reduce the risks and prioritise resources and fulfill statutory duties. 

The Lead Local Flood Authority team in Camden will also be collating information from other services that manage council land or highways, as well other organisations involved in events.

Flood Risk Management and asset register

Flood risk

Camden is not at risk of flooding from the Thames or any other open rivers.

The main risk of flooding within the borough is from surface water after significant rainfall events, and incapacity in the combined sewer to remove rain water. Groundwater flooding is also a growing issue in Camden.

There have been three significant surface and sewer flooding events in Camden in the past 40 years. The first occurred in August 1975, the second in August 2002 and the third in July 2021. All events were caused by sudden extreme downpours.

What are we doing?

The Flood and Water Management Act 2010 makes all unitary authorities, including the London Borough of Camden, lead Local Flood Authorities. This means we have overall responsibility for managing flood risk from surface water and ground water in the borough. However we will not be able to stop flooding on our own so we need to work with other organisations as well as residents and businesses to help us manage flood risk. Two of the most important local stakeholders are Thames Water and the City of London Corporation. for more information on how the council is managing flood risk please download our strategy document below.

Managing flood risk in Camden: The London Borough of Camden flood risk management strategy (PDF 1.57MB)

Flood Risk Maps

In accordance with the Flood Risk Regulations, maps showing the flood risk from rivers, reservoirs and surface water runoff have been published on the Environment Agency website. The maps for river and reservoir flooding (including that from the Hampstead Heath ponds) have been published before but this is the first time surface water risk has been included.

If you have any concerns about anything to do with the maps, please contact Green Camden at:

What we are doing to manage the risk of flooding in the borough

We will:

  • Deliver on the actions identified in the London Borough of Camden flood risk management strategy
  • Record flood incidents to improve our understanding of flood risk
  • Investigate flooding incidents to determine the causes. If you have been flooded internally please email and we will get in contact with you
  • Maintain a public register of structures and features that are likely to have a significant effect on flood risk in Camden
  • We are a statutory consultee for all major planning applications with reference to Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) proposals and flood risk
  • Other organisations also have roles to play in managing flood risk, as do residents themselves. More information about this can be found on our flood risk page

Flood Asset Register

Camden Council is obliged to produce a register of all assets it believes pose a significant risk to flooding.

The register focuses on the drainage assets in, or impacting on, the areas of greatest flood risk (see map below) as well as any major features. An asset being on this register does necessarily not mean that its failure by itself will cause problems but that it could add cumulatively to the risk and hence we are monitoring its condition.

Flood Risk Map 

This register will continue to grow as more information comes in. If you have any questions about it, or wish to see a copy of the register, please contact the Lead Local Flood Authority:

Flood Risk Management Strategy 2022-2027

The Camden Flood Risk Management Strategy 2022-2027 (FRMS) sets out how Camden Council and partner authorities will work together to manage flood risk and increase resilience across the borough until 2027. The Council has produced the FRMS under the requirements of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010. 

Since the publication of Camden’s first FRMS in 2013, several flood risk alleviation projects have been delivered in Camden which are highlighted within the Strategy. This FRMS seeks to build on these projects and sets out our approach to flood risk management for the next five years.

FRMS 2022-2027

Monitoring and review

In the FRMS 2022-2027, we committed to reviewing the Strategy every two years and sharing our progress. Read the 2022-2024 Biennial Review, published in November 2024 here:

2022-2024 Biennial Review of the FRMS 2022-2027 

Camden's Flood Investigation Report into the July 2021 Floods

In July 2021, Camden experienced surface water and sewer surcharge flooding affecting streets and properties. The extent of the flooding triggered a requirement for the Council to complete statutory Flood Investigation Report. 

The report outlines the impacts of the floods, the main factors that contributed to the flooding as well as recommendations on what can be done to limit the impact of future flooding.

Camden appointed AECOM to complete the Flood Investigation report which was produced in consultation with residents, neighbouring local authorities and partners including Thames Water, the London Fire Brigade and the Environment Agency.

The findings and recommendations of the Flood Investigation Report supported the completing of a the Camden Flood Risk Management Strategy 2022-2027. 

Section 19 Flood Investigation Report – July 2021 

Floods in Camden – Report of the Floods Scrutiny Panel

During the evening rush hour on 7 August 2002, a series of thunderstorms unleashed torrential rainfall on Camden. The Floods in Camden Scrutiny Panel was set up by the Overview and Scrutiny 
Commission to look at the causes and impact of the widespread flooding which was caused by the sewer system reaching maximum capacity very quickly.

Floods in Camden Report - June 2003

Flood links and documents