Camden’s energy prices October 2024 to September 2025
We buy gas and electricity through the LASER public sector buying organisation. This means we can buy energy at cheaper wholesale rates by combining with other organisations. In the autumn of 2024, Camden bought gas and electricity for October 2024 to September 2025.
Although wholesale electricity and gas market prices have improved over the past 12 months they remain volatile and are higher compared to historic average market prices.
Camden is still paying less than the wholesale price through LASER’s flexible forward-buying strategies, which provide protection against wholesale market prices.
Increased energy prices do not affect the other elements of your heating and hot water charge such as planned maintenance and ad-hoc repairs.
Discount scheme
In April 2023, the Government launched the Energy Bill Discount Scheme (EBDS). Unfortunately, we do not qualify for the standard EBDS discount, as our energy prices fall below the thresholds established by the Government. However, we applied for additional support specifically designed for heat networks serving domestic end users, such as tenants and leaseholders. While we did receive some benefit, it was minimal due to our energy costs remaining below the Government's eligibility criteria.
The support schemes closed on 1 April 2024.
If you cannot pay on time
If you’re finding it difficult to pay your service charges, it’s important to contact us as soon as possible. Email our Collections Team at They are here to help.
If you are receiving benefits, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) may help you to pay your service charges. You should inform the DWP as soon as you get a bill.
If you have problems with money or debt, you can use our benefits calculator and refer yourself to the money advice service.