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District Management Committees (DMCs)

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District Management Committees (DMCs)

A District Management Committee (DMC) is an independent advisory group of elected representatives from Tenants and Residents Associations (TRAs) across their district. There is one DMC for each of the 5 districts in Camden.

DMCs focus on the performance of housing and property management services that the council provides to its tenants and leaseholders. They:

  • receive, consider and discuss reports from different council teams within housing and property management
  • make suggestions and requests to improve services
  • hold officers accountable
  • may consider other matters referred by DMC chairpersons or council officers.

DMCs are given a budget that can be allocated to community projects or improvements in their area. Tenants and Residents Associations can request some of this budget for their own local projects by submitting a bid to their DMC. Bids are checked by Camden officers, before going to the DMC, who will decide whether to approve the bid or not.

If you want DMC funding for a local community improvement or project, your TRA can submit a bid to their DMC. You can suggest your idea to your local TRA, or visit your local DMC website. Only representatives elected by a TRA are allowed to join DMCs. Each TRA appoints 1 or 2 of their reps to sit on the DMC, depending on the size of the TRA.

Visit Tenants and Residents Associations (TRAs)

DMC websites

Each DMC has their own website where you can submit a bid for DMC funding, find details of upcoming and previous DMC meetings and track the actions and questions arising from each DMC meeting.

We publish our Key Performance Indicator (KPI) statistics online and monthly updates about the work happening in each Ward within the districts. You can also find out about community news and events that the DMCs want to promote and information about what has been achieved through project bids that have received DMC funding.

We launched the DMC websites in Autumn 2024, so the records on the microsites only go back that far. If you’d like information about DMCs before then email contact