In addition to providing the mandatory disabled facilities grants, we may be able to offer discretionary disabled facilities grants that help improve your home.
Fast track disabled facilities grant
This grant includes similar terms and conditions to the disabled facilities grant. The requirement for a means test for a disabled facilities grant will be removed in the following circumstances:
- Where the estimated cost of the adaptation works will be less than £15,000, excluding any agency fees.
- If additional works are required after approval of the grant which would increase the cost of the works above £15,000, no retrospective means test would be applied.
- Hospital discharge in urgent or extreme circumstances where cases are identified by health and or a social care professional.
- Where the disabled applicant suffers from a life-limiting condition and a formal means test would significantly delay the grant application.
How much can I get?
Where the reasonable costs of structural building works is more than £30,000 and the applicant has been assessed as having no contribution to make. This shall be limited to an additional £15,000.
Hospital discharge grant
This grant supports the return of hospital patients to their home and is not means tested.
Funding will be available where no other relevant health or social care funding is available and following a referral from an occupational therapist or relevant healthcare professional.
You can apply for interventions like the following:
- decluttering
- deep cleaning
- clearing properties
- repairs to remove Category 1 hazards under the Housing Health and Safety Rating System that could impact the applicant and their carers)
- repair of heating systems
How much can I get?
The maximum grant you can apply for is £4,500.
Independence at home grant
A grant to supplement existing services where an unmet need is identified through dementia aids, adaptations and assistive technology.
Funding is subject to receiving a referral from an occupational therapist or relevant healthcare professional.
You can apply for the following interventions:
- labels and signs on cupboards and doors
- safer flooring
- lighting adaptations
- tonal contrast adaptations
- furniture adaptations
How much can I get?
You can apply for a grant to the maximum of £2,500.
Non-mandatory DFG works grant
- Enable provision of desirable works through discretionary DFG that are outside the scope of the mandatory DFG policy, including converting a room for a long term/ short-term carer.
- Use DFG to enable a disabled occupant who has been assessed as having no contribution to make to be temporarily rehoused for the duration of the works; when due to the nature of the property, the applicant is unable to stay in the property or the works would have a negative impact on the applicant’s health.
- Use DFG for scooter storage, access to garden, clearing out, compact furniture to facilitate access e.g. for a wheelchair.
- Dual residency of a disabled child - In cases where families separate, and a court order provides that residency of the disabled child is split between the mother and father (or other designated guardian) the Authority may consider the award of discretionary DFG to one property.
- A DFG can be granted for a child in foster care providing the likely length of care at the dwelling is expected to be years rather than months. In such circumstances the grant will be discretionary and not mandatory and will be subject to the availability of funding.
- Pay for repair or warranty for DFG facilities where this has expired, at a maximum cost of £1500.
- Use DFG for minor adaptations under £1,000 for tenants in the private rented sector and owner-occupiers.
- Use DFG for works related to hazards to the structure of the dwelling that will reduce the risk of accidents to enable disabled persons to remain in their homes.
Where works for DFG discretionary grants are the same as those that would permit entitlement to Housing Renewal Assistance discretionary grants the same limits and general terms and conditions will apply.
How to apply
If you are interested in applying for any of these grants, please contact us at