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Consulting with leaseholders on major works and services

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The consultation process

Major Works Guide

Camden must consult with leaseholders if we intend to carry out works, repairs or improvements to your block or estate. How we consult with you depends on the type of contract we use to carry out the works.

Qualifying Long Term Agreement (QLTA)

This is an agreement with a contractor to provide goods or services lasting more than 12 months. If leaseholders will be required to pay more than £100 per year we must consult with them.  Examples of a QLTA include: building insurance, grounds maintenance, lift and door entry maintenance contracts.

Where a QLTA includes works to properties, for example, general building maintenance, and leaseholders will be required to pay more than £250 each, an additional consultation must be carried out.  Please refer to the section below called ‘Qualifying Works’.

Qualifying Works

We consult with leaseholders if a QLTA includes works to properties, such as general building maintenance where leaseholders will be required to pay more than £250 each. There is one stage of consultation with leaseholders.

One-stage consultation: Notice of Intention  

We write to each leaseholder and Recognised Tenants Association (if one exists) who may be affected by the contract to:

  • describe the proposed works and why we think they are necessary
  • provide the total estimated cost of the proposed works
  • give leaseholders 30 days to send us their observations/comments in writing

Two-stage consultation: Notice of Intention and Notice of Proposal

If we have to carry out a very large, or specific piece of work, to your block or estate that is not covered under an existing QLTA. We will carry out an individual tender just for this one works contract. Before procuring a contractor we will write to each leaseholder and Recognised Tenants Association (if one exists) who may be affected by the contract to:

•    describe the proposed works and why we think they are necessary
•    provide a budget estimate cost 
•    inform leaseholders whether they are entitled to nominate a contractor, or why not
•    give leaseholders 30 days to send us their observations/comments in writing

After all tenders have been returned and moderated, we will write to each leaseholder and Recognised Tenants Association (if one exists) who may be affected by the contract to:

•    describe the proposed works and why we think they are necessary
•    provide the total estimated cost of the proposed works
•    advise which contractor we would like to offer the contract to
•    give leaseholders 30 days to send us their observations/comments in writing

The Public Contracts Regulations

The Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR 2015) and the Public Procurement (Amendment)(EU Exit) Regulations 2020 (PPAR 2020) require the Council, as a public authority, to advertise any agreements over £5,336,937 for works, or £426,955 for services, by way of a public notice. This notice is advertised in the United Kingdom FTS (Find a Tender Service). Where it is necessary to issue such a public notice, the right of leaseholders to nominate a contractor, or service provider, themselves does not apply.

In addition to the consultation we are legally required to carry out, Camden has introduced a Better Homes and a Mechanical and Electrical planned works pre leaseholder consultation process. This resident engagement is managed by the planned works teams. 

Please find a Guide to Capital Works Engagement here: Resident Engagement Guide

Boroughwide consultations

Current energy agreements

First Tier Tribunal Dispensation Application October 2022 - Long Term Agreement for the supply of electricity and gas (notices and all documents)

Flexible electricity and gas supply contracts until 30 September 2024


  • Name of supplier: Npower (electricity)
  • Date of agreement: 26 November 2019
  • The contract duration: 4 years
  • The date upon which the supply starts: 1 October 2020
  • The date upon which the supply ends: 30 September 2024


  • Name of supplier – Total Energies (gas)
  • Date of agreement – 26 November 2019
  • The contract duration – 4 years
  • The date upon which the supply starts – 1 October 2020
  • The date upon which the supply ends – 30 September 2024

Flexible electricity and gas supply contracts until 30 September 2028


  • Name of supplier: Npower (electricity)
  • Date of agreement: 6 April 2023
  • The contract duration: 4 years
  • The date upon which the supply starts: 1 October 2024
  • The date upon which the supply ends: 30 September 2028


  • Name of supplier: TotalEnergies (gas)
  • Date of agreement: 6 April 2023
  • The contract duration: 4 years
  • The date upon which the supply starts: 1 October 2024
  • The date upon which the supply ends: 30 September 2028

NHH Electricity Supply 2018

Camden Council has entered into a long-term agreement for the supply of electricity. The service is the supply of electricity for the common parts, for example supplying lighting and lifts across Camden’s housing estates within the London Borough of Camden via Non Half Hourly Meters. These are electricity meters, which do not automatically read consumption every half an hour. The profile class for these meters are 01-04 (quarterly billed). Due to the nature of the energy market, the council was not able to comply with all the consultation requirements and has applied to the First Tier Tribunal (property chamber) for a dispensation.

Please see below the relevant documentation and application relating to the above;

You can also request information on the dispensation from

Leasehold building insurance

We consulted all leaseholders on a proposal to enter into a new long-term agreement for building Insurance, as we are responsible for arranging building insurance for most leasehold properties under the lease terms. This new agreement with Arthur J. Gallagher Insurance Broker Ltd started on 1 April 2023, and is proposed to run for 5 years, expiring on 31 March 2028. 

The Notice of Intention was sent to all relevant leaseholders on 5 August 2022, and the Notice of Proposal was sent to all relevant leaseholders on 8 February 2023.

Current major works consultations

19-002 - Maiden Lane Boiler Replacement Works

Please note that Camden have appointed a consultant to carry out an updated options appraisal in early 2020. This report will reconsider some of the renewable heating options for Maiden Lane Estate. This takes into account the views expressed by residents that they are supportive of more renewable options.

Details of this further options appraisal will be included in the second stage of leaseholder consultation, the Notice of Proposal.

Proposed external refurbishment work at 1-238 - Levita House

Please see below the relevant documentation and information about the works.