Cultural Camden is a free network open to organisations, institutions, businesses and freelancers who want to join a collaborative network that works together to protect and grow arts and culture in our borough.
Our journey
Cultural Camden was founded in December 2018 by Camden Council, supported by its steering group of 16 organisations and two freelancers from across the creative sector.
In March 2020, Cultural Camden opened up to members, launched by Cllr Jonathan Simpson, chair of Cultural Camden, (previous Cabinet Member for Promoting Culture and Communities) at the British Museum.
Our structure
Cultural Camden is an informal partnership network, led by its steering group and Camden Council. At some point, a board will be elected and will take over from the current steering group.
Camden Council's Arts Development team manages the network's day-to-day operation and work, taking strategic direction from the steering and working groups.
The Cultural Framework
Cultural Camden's steering group shaped Camden's first Cabinet endorsed cultural framework.
Cultural Camden members support the delivery of Camden's cultural framework by sharing the network with others and being open to collaboration, working towards its vision of a borough shaped and inspired by its culture.
Our work
Currently, we are focused on supporting our members in any way we can through the pandemic. We also have a work plan with six action areas, each with a working group that provides guidance:
- Grow the network.
- Analyse and use member data for lobbying etc.
- Develop a sustainable fundraising plan.
- Examine access to the sector through volunteering, employment and self-employment.
- Support education providers to increase their arts engagement.
- Explore ways to increase engagement with arts and culture through programming and marketing.
Join Cultural Camden
Cultural Camden is a free network open to organisations, institutions, businesses and freelancers who want to join a collaborative network that works together to protect and grow arts and culture in our borough.
Why join?
Members choose to join because they want to work together to create more opportunities for everyone who lives, visits and identifies with Camden.
You can choose how you would like to be involved:
- Shape the direction and delivery of the cultural framework.
- Have your views represented to decision-makers, funders and politicians.
- Take on opportunities to collaborate with other members.
- Join workshops offering support on funding and other sector topics.
- Cross-promote your public programmes and other offers.
Working together
Everyone who joins consents to having their work contact information shared with other members, and offers to support the network in different ways:
- Feed into collective responses on industry topics.
- Introduce prospective members.
- Offer advice to other members.
- Work with members on projects, programmes etc.
Can I join?
Cultural Camden is free to join and open to Camden organisations, institutions, businesses and freelancers who want to be part of a collaborative network that supports arts and cultural. All members must be 18 or over.
All prospective organisation need a Camden address to sign up.
If you are a freelancer who is a sole trader or in a business partnership, you will need to have registered with HMRC, have a Camden business address and work mainly in Camden or with its residents.
How do I join?
You can nominate one or multiple members to represent your workplace or business. You will need to name a member responsible for keeping your details up-to-date and provide copy or images if needed.
Any questions? We're happy to help.
Mike Candler, Arts Development Manager