Get in touch
You can get in touch with Camden adult community learning on 020 7974 2148, email us at or follow us on Instagram at
Complimenting our service
We value feedback on any aspect of our work. Camden ACL staff and members are always pleased to get positive feedback when things go well. You may have noticed an improvement in a service you receive or found that a member of staff was helpful to you.
To make a compliment please send an email to or call 020 7974 2678 / 07971 535 000
Making a complaint
Sometimes things go wrong. If they do, please tell us so we can put them right and learn from them. If you have difficulties or are unhappy, please speak to your tutor who may be able to help.
If you are still unhappy, you may wish to make a formal complaint which is explained in our complaints policy.
Find out more about our ACL Complaints Policy.
To make a complaint please contact:
Panchali Kar
Deputy Head of Adult Community Learning
Phone: 020 7974 2678 / Mobile: 07971 535 000
Safeguarding Concerns
You have the right to feel safe while learning with us - find out more about our Safeguarding Policy.
For safeguarding concerns please contact any of the following people:
Mark Isherwood
Head of Adult Community Learning/Safeguarding Lead
Phone: 020 7974 3645 / Mobile: 07825 274 130
Lilu Dewan
Programme Manager - Community Development/Safeguarding Officer
Phone: 020 7974 1180 / Mobile: 07919 392 440