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Catheter Passports have been launched!

This week in North Central London the catheter passport has been launched, the urology nurse leads across NCL have been working with the system, to gain feedback from all areas of the system including ASC staff and residents.

From this week any residents being discharged from hospital with a catheter will have one of these with them when they return home. You will see the passport comes in two parts.

  • One is for the resident to have, this included further information about catheters and how to care for it.
  • Second on is for health professionals this includes information about when the catheter was changed and why.

The booklets were split due to direct feedback from residents across NCL in ASC.


Training for Catheter Care

Below are some handy links should you like to know more about catheter care:

RCN-Fundamentals-of-Catheter-Care-PPT (1).pdf (whittington.nhs.uk)

Long-term use of urinary catheters | Information for the public | Healthcare-associated infections: prevention and control in primary and community care | Guidance | NICE

Supporting Your Bladder & Bowel Health | Bladder & Bowel Community (bladderandbowel.org)


If you are looking after someone with a catheter and never had any training or would like a refresher session, please just email nclicb.digitaladultsocialcare@nhs.net and we will get in contact with you to arrange the sessions in person.